
Monday, March 11, 2019

FLASH SALE: Empower your inner empath!

Do you suspect you are an "empath?"

Here are some reasons a person might gravitate toward the label of "empath:"

- You feel like a sponge for other people's emotions
- Sometimes it's hard to tell if what you're feeling is yours, or someone else's
- You sometimes know things that maybe you shouldn't... things fly into your consciousness and you don't always understand how or why
- You REALLY struggle with boundaries.... really.
- Being out in crowds feels draining and horrible
- It's hard to feel grounded
- You feel very sensitive--sometimes, it feels like you are sensitive to everything
- People have at times accused you of being "needy," and sometimes you feel needy (although you would hate to admit it)
- When other people are hurt, you feel it in your own body
- People naturally gravitate toward you--especially people who want to dump their problems on you and spill their secrets to you
- A tendency to numb out--sometimes turning to addiction or entertainment to get away from all the emotions
- .... but being very careful about entertainment, because sometimes you find yourself experiencing the things the characters are experiencing! It's important to you to pick lighthearted entertainment.

There are many more possible qualities of "empaths," but if some or most of those listed resound with you, you might consider yourself to be an empath.

Today only I am running a flash sale on my Empath Series--a pre-recorded series on what it means to be an empath, how to thrive as an empath, and how to serve as an empath: how to transcend the trauma of being an empath and step into a place of power instead.

There is a definite narrative out there that being an empath is only a liability: that being empathic means that your emotions must be out of your own control.

Many empaths feel that their unique traits only drag them down--they don't see how their empathic traits can actually be used as useful, powerful skills that can bless and uplift not just themselves and their families, but the world around them.

I am here to tell you: if you identify as an empath, you have a powerful gift and an incredible invitation to use that gift to bless the world. 

This is a class on how to make that happen. Are you ready to step into the divine space of blessing yourself and the world with the gifts that are innately yours as an empath?

This is a brief overview of each of the three included modules in this empowering series for empaths:

SO YOU'RE AN EMPATH 101: Being An Empath 
Do you ever feel like you are taking on other people's emotions? Like the things you feel aren't always your things? Are you overwhelmed in crowded spaces or when close to lots of people? Are you very sensitive to the weather, or to music or noise? Do you have a weight problem? Are you shy?  Learn more about your nature as an empath, to discover what type(s) of empath you are (there are multiple types of empaths and some people are more than one type), and specific challenges you may face depending on what type of empath you are. 

SO YOU'RE AN EMPATH 201: Thriving As An Empath 
So you're an empath. What do you do about that? This class will delve into specifics of grounding, shielding, and developing boundaries and safe ways to interact with others and the world around you. Being an empath can be very draining, but it doesn't have to be! In this class you will learn to develop healthier ways to cope with the immense amount of empathetic information you as an empath have to process every day.

SO YOU'RE AN EMPATH 301: Serving As An Empath 
How do you use your unique empath traits to serve others? How do you turn what can be an overwhelming "gift" into an actual gift that serves both you and those around you? Learn how to channel your gifts in healthy and helpful ways.

The Empath Series has no prerequisites: this is a class designed for participants of all levels of energetic knowledge.

You can empower your inner empath!

If your natural traits and tendencies have felt like a weight on your life instead of a blessing, this may be a class for you. This is a video with instructions you can use to access your own intuition on if this class is right for you.


Sending all love and light!

- allie