
Thursday, August 28, 2014

pride the plug

Image here.
Pride is a plug.

I can't remember if I wrote on this blog about this before, but I had an experience a few months ago that taught me a lot about the perils of pride. I had a conversation that was pretty fine as far as conversations go, but I left the scenario feeling... off. I couldn't put my finger on it but I just felt like something was kind of wrong. It took me a day or two to realize that the off feeling had happened directly after this conversation, also; I hadn't made the connection at the time.

So I asked God if I had done something wrong in the conversation. Had I been offensive? Had I somehow said the wrong thing during this innocuous conversation?

I got the answer of no, but when I asked more directly if there was something I needed to repent of, I got the answer of yes.

I had to repent of my pride.

I was enlightened to see how, during that conversation, even though both of us were very civil, I had allowed myself to feel enmity towards the person I was conversing with. I had felt better than this person, had assumed that they thought I was stupid, and then resented them for it. Basically, I had been prideful.

Now, all of this happened without me even truly realizing it. Consciously, I shook those feelings off when I felt them, and told myself that I didn't really feel that way. I told myself I liked this person just fine and they liked me too, nothing to worry about. But when I prayed about it later and saw the situation more clearly, I realized that I had been privately harboring pride--without my conscious self even fully recognizing it. As soon as God explained this to me, I saw that it was true. I just hadn't seen it.

I told God, I don't know how to fix this. How do I repent of something I didn't even know that I did? I asked Him to just remove from me the part that was to blame.

And when I did that, it was the craziest thing: I felt like He reached into my left side, and pulled out a plug. Like a bathtub plug. And when the plug was removed, it felt like all this junk was just oozing out of my body.

And then I was fine. And I felt so much better.

Pride the Plug

Image here.
When I asked to understand what this meant, I had kind of a moment of clairsentience, where I saw the spirit as pumice. You know, pumice: the volcanic rock full of holes. Sometimes people use it to smooth out calluses on their feet and stuff.

Well, pumice is cool because it floats. It has all these tiny holes in it that water can move through, and when pumice is submerged in water, the water does fill those holes, and the water ends up buoying up the rock.

The rock can float--when the holes are all free and clear.

What I saw was the spirit as a piece of pumice, and every instance of pride, resentment, bitterness--opposition to the faith, hope, and charity we are supposed to embody instead--acted as a plug. One by one, the holes in the pumice I saw were plugged, until the rock sank.

But, in contrast, when those plugs of pride and anger and enmity were removed, the pumice began to float again.

In the moment, I understood that this mattered because the floating was a metaphor for moving with ease and grace through life. Pulling out our pride and other sins energetically enables the Holy Spirit to move through us, to guide us, to inspire us, to buoy us up in a way that we are simply not capable of when we are all plugged up.

The work of unplugging happens naturally during true repentance and forgiveness. Frequent repentance and forgiveness keep our spiritual pores open so that the Holy Ghost is free to move within us and keep us metaphorically floating through life.


Keeping ourselves free of sin is crucial to energetic, physical, and emotional health. My emotions were a wreck before I had this experience and realized what I had to repent of. As soon as I repented, my energy was fixed and my emotions were back to normal too. If you're feeling off, I invite you to consider praying for help realizing what you need to forgive or repent of. Ask to be led to the plugs that are the source of your spiritual or even physical discomfort. Consider praying for those energetic plugs to be removed. You may be surprised at what happens!

Monday, August 25, 2014

yin and yang: the basics

I have avoided blogging about my yin-yang research on this blog, but a bunch of things have come up in my life recently that show that this information is actually supremely relevant to all of my work. So I'm going to start blogging a little bit about this. Here's a brief introduction to the concept of yin and yang. I'm certainly not an expert in it, but I have devoted a lot of time to researching and pondering it, so I ask your understanding about the things I may not have 100% spot-on. But I do believe this is a decent introduction to the topic.


My studies of the masculine and feminine as they relate to the gospel of Jesus Christ are what led me to the study of yin and yang, because while the Bible does explain some of this concept, and the Book of Mormon does too, Chinese philosophy seems to really delve deeply into it. I am often amazed at the parallels I find between the Tao Te Ching and the Sermon on the Mount.

My favorite translation of the Tao Te Ching is here. This particular translation contains phrases that are especially meaningful to those who have been privileged to worship in the temple; other translations don't contain the same phraseology. Having an accurate translation makes all the difference to extracting the divine wisdom from the TTC.

Obviously, read it with prayer to know what is true and what is not! Remember the teachings of Joseph Smith:

Joseph Smith.
Mormonism is truth; and every man who embraces it feels himself at liberty to embrace every truth: [...]
“… Mormonism is truth, in other words the doctrine of the Latter-day Saints, is truth. … The first and fundamental principle of our holy religion is, that we believe that we have a right to embrace all, and every item of truth, without limitation or without being circumscribed or prohibited by the creeds or superstitious notions of men, or by the dominations of one another, when that truth is clearly demonstrated to our minds, and we have the highest degree of evidence of the same.5
As Latter-day Saints, we have a unique understanding of truth, and that truth can be gathered and out to be embraced, whether it's from another creed or not. The TTC, to me, holds a lot of truth, and when I am open to it and approach it with prayer and a Gospel perspective enlightened by the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon, I learn a lot that blesses my life.

So, to kick off a discussion of yin and yang, I must begin with the first chapter of the Tao Teh Ching. Emphasis mine:
The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence
Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations
These two emerge together but differ in name
The unity is said to be the mystery
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders
There is SO MUCH in this chapter, but the important thing here is that the "nameless," the "origin of Heaven and Earth," or masculine/yang force, is inherently different from the "named," feminine force, "mother of myriad things." However, although they have different roles and abilities (essence vs. manifestation), and although they "differ in name," they "emerge together," and it is only when they experience unity that the "door to all wonders" is opened.

Latter-day Saints, please enjoy these concepts from a temple perspective. 

The Basics of Yin and Yang

The sun is yang;
the moon is yin.
What are the differences between yang and yin? If you Google it, you'll find a bunch of charts that list out the qualities that make them different. This site outlines the basics.

Yang is masculine. It is hard, bright, logical, independent, and active. Yin is feminine, soft, dark, emotional, dependent, and passive. Yang is action; yin is rest. The sun, the greater light, is yang. The moon, the lesser light, is yin. Yang is dominant, yin is submissive. Yang is demanding, yin is cooperative. Yang is loud, yin is quiet. Yang is penetrative, yin is receptive.

Yang and yin complement each other and create each other, or at least illuminate each other. They contain the seeds of each other.

There is a yin-yang scale, and there is a yin-yang entity. The typical yin-yang symbol that you see around is called the taijitu. It expresses the idea that although yin and yang may look dual, they are in fact non-dual and complementary, each a holon inside a holon.

A Scale And An Entity

The united yin-yang, or taijitu.
Thanks, Clipart!
Each side contains the other,
brings forth the other,
fits into the other.

Yin and yang are both a way of measuring, and a self-contained entity. I explain below how yin and yang status can be relative; yet at the same time, the yin-yang combines to become one unity. The "door to all wonders," if you will. Let's put it this way: just as men and women are masculine and feminine respectively on their own, and we all fall into a ranking of more and less feminine or masculine, depending, at the same time, through temple marriage, the feminine and masculine unite into a perfect unity that is the beginning of all creation.

The scale I often refer to as "yin and yang," or with reference to the separate parts; the whole, sealed unity, I often refer to as the yin-yang. But this isn't a hard and fast rule with me. You'll see as you delve into the study of yin and yang that there are so many nuances and fascinating aspects of the concept that the terminology must shift depending on what you're discussing.

Relative Yin and Yang

The yin or yang status of everything is relative to everything else.

For example, water is yin to steam, but yang to ice. In the Gospel, the wife is yin to the husband, and the husband is yang to her, but the husband is yin to Christ (Ephesians 5:23). And though men are yang to women, women are yang to children, and humans are yang to nature. And so on.

Adam fell that men might be; and men are that they might have joy.
God made Eve for Adam because it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18); woman was created to be a helper for the man (1 Corinthians 11:9). This form of duality, of the masculine as dominant and the leader, and the feminine as the submissive and cooperative, is good and part of the divine order. The submissive party is not "less" because of her role; God loves His sons and daughters equally. A leader can't lead if no one follows; a follower can't follow if there's no one to lead. A man without a woman is as useless and futile as is a woman without a man. Each is completed by the other, as long as they are acting in their proper roles. This is the only way families can be created and people can progress. From the Book of Mormon, we learn that without this peculiar form of duality, humankind "would have had no achildren; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no bjoy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no csin" (2 Nephi 2:23).

Yin-Yang: Dual, or Non-Dual?

Understanding the yin-yang duality is useful for understanding human relationships and relationships between humans and everything else in the world. But one thing that recently entered my awareness is the idea that gender duality in its perfected form is also not dual. It is non-dual. Perfect femininity is not the opposite of perfect masculinity, any more than it is impossible for God to be both fully transcendent and fully immanent. The whole thing seems paradoxical, but that is only because paradox is the only way for a duality mindset to interpret non-duality. And I am beginning to suspect that one of the effects of Adam's Fall was the transition from a non-dual mindset to a dual one.
From here.

As an example of the non-duality of yin and yang, the feminine force is not truly separate from the masculine force, because it naturally contains the masculine force. Women give birth to men. Similarly, masculine energy naturally contains a spark of the feminine force--a masculine contribution is necessary for the spark of life in a woman's womb. In this way, the two forces of femininity and masculinity are not dual: they are co-existent, differing, and inherently non-dual. It's a concept that is difficult to grasp, living in a world of opposites. But while there is a scale of duality relating to the yin and the yang, there is also an inherent non-duality about them as well.

When we at last witness femininity and masculinity in perfected form, I believe we will find that the feminine and the masculine enhance each other, create each other, strengthen each other, and contain each other. A perfectly dual non-duality.

Gospel Precedent For Non-Duality

One of my favorite bloggers and a personal inspiration to me, Progressive Prophetess, has blogged about spiritual paradoxes. This concept of seemingly inconsistent gospel ideas is not new. For example, consider the admonition to both hunger and thirst after righteousness, and feast on the words of Christ. Here are a few more examples from her blog (which are actually taken from the scriptures):
  • God is no respecter of persons, He loves all the same /The concept of the elect
  • Be anxiously engaged in a good cause / Patiently wait on the Lord 
  • I am a vengeful God / I am a merciful God
  • Lose your life/ Find it
  • We are responsible for our own salvation / Eternal marriage is necessary for exaltation 
  • Exercise faith to be healed / Everything is as it should be. Accept the will of the Lord
  • Give everything away in order to get everything
  • The Gospel is simple. The simpleness of the way/ The mysteries of God can't be comprehended 
  • We are spiritual beings/ We are carnal beings
  • Zion is a physical place/ Zion is in our hearts
  • Travel without purse or script. God provides/ God cares for those who care for themselves
Seemingly-dual non-duality is actually a thing in the gospel. These "paradoxes" listed are really not paradoxes; they co-exist with perfection. The only problem is that right now, our minds are not  equipped to fully process non-duality.

Yin and Yang: Good and Evil?

Although yin and yang seem dual in some ways, they are truly a non-duality. Their polarity only appears that way because the human mind is primed for opposites and not non-duality. When I first began studying yin and yang, I was heartbroken because obviously yang was good, and that meant that yin was... evil.


Only, actually not.

There is a yin-yang scale in this universe, obviously--the yin and yang of things is relative, as covered above--but neither yin nor yang participates on the good-evil spectrum as good or evil. Neither yin nor yang identifies with good or evil. They are just not on the same scale. They do not occupy the same heirarchy, the same space, or anything like that.

Both good and evil can be measured along the yin-yang scale, however. Just as God is yang to Jesus, and They are yang to the angels in heaven, so we would presume that Lucifer is yang to his own army of devils.

From an etsy shop here.
This leads me to wonder if in fact the concept of yin and yang is even bigger than good versus evil, because even good and evil play by its rules, in that way I just mentioned. This would explain why evil hates the yin-yang structure and scale. Yin-yang is the force behind creation. Evil hates creation. And the scale of the yin-yang--the idea that everything is more or less yin or yang than everything else--is also abhorrent to the "son of the morning" whose plan for God's children involved exact equality.

To the extent that the yin-yang is a self-contained entity, while it is non-dual in and of itself, it does appear to be dual with evil. The yin-yang, the divinely united combination of feminine and masculine, is the ultimate creative force, and, I suspect, the only truly creative force. The yin-yang in its perfection is the opposite of destruction.

Yin, Yang, and God

In my research on the names of God, I came across a fascinating tidbit the other day. We are all probably aware of the name "Elohim" in reference to God. One thing that has always struck me about that name is that it is actually plural (indicated by the -im suffix).

However, there's more to that name than just the peculiarly plural nature of it. Examine this tidbit courtesy of Wikipedia:
A common title of God in the Hebrew Bible is Elohim (Hebrew: אלהים), as opposed to other titles of God in Judaism. The root Eloah אלה is a feminine noun, meaning goddess, also used in poetry and late prose (e.g., the Book of Job) and ending with the masculine plural suffix "-im" ים creating a word that indicates a plurality of both masculine and feminine essences, yet in a singular identity.
It appears that it is an established aspect of Judaism as well as Mormonism that God is made up of both masculine and feminine essences. We just also understand that in the context of eternal marriage. I will let you ponder that without further comment.


We've probably all seen yin-yang symbols on keychains and bumper stickers, but the ideas contained in the symbol and the teachings it roots in are anything but keychain- or bumper sticker-simple. Although at church we don't typically frame the gospel in these terms, which may seem more suited for only Oriental philosophy, this concept is inherent in the gospel and understanding it sheds a lot of light on many other gospel concepts.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Facebook page--and a new book?

As many of you know, I am no stranger to writing books! Obligatory link to my book The Body Electric. Well, this morning I woke up and felt strongly that it was time to make a Facebook page for my blog. So I did.

This was on top of a feeling I've had for several days that it is time to write an ebook. I'm not really sure exactly what it will be about, except energy things, but I believe I will get started this week.

I'm working on figuring out a few additional things--webinars and so forth. I'll let you all know as I figure it out.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

walking your divine path

In the recent past, I reached out to a mentor of mine to ask about a particular spiritual gift I noticed on her energy. When she wrote back, she noted that when she looked into my energy, that my foot chakras were open and glowing gold--a sign to her that I am walking on my divine path.
Foot chakras. Image here.

This was such an incredible validation to me, but I didn't need her to tell me to know it was true. For some time now--maybe a few months--I've felt very strongly that I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. Every day has felt very "led." Even the hard stuff isn't hard--at least, most of the time!

So the question comes: how do you prepare to live your divine path? People I work with ask me that and it's something I've been pondering a lot.

This is what I've concluded: You begin to walk your divine path only after you agree to stop walking your path.

When you can live by faith in the divine, instead of faith in yourself, you begin to walk your divine path.

Personal Experience

My life changed radically after God told me in no uncertain terms to uproot everything about myself that I liked. At first I fought it, but then I agreed to do it because He said so, but at the time I wasn't sure what would happen, or even what would be left of me after the changes took place.

As it turned out, uprooting my own flaws, to the extent that I did, opened up space in myself for the Holy Spirit to work.

I had always considered myself a spiritual person, and I was, but I think what had happened was I had fallen into the rut of feeling spiritual because I had lots of spiritual experiences, rather than living by the Spirit or allowing those spiritual experiences to change me.

Spiritual rebirth. Image here.
How many times have you come home from church feeling spiritually reborn? Let me put it this way: I'd had that feeling maybe a few times prior to 2014, but in the past six months, I've felt it over and over again. I may just be slow or something--we all know that we're supposed to feel that way every week, and for all I know everyone else does--but for me it took a radical change of heart and change of perspective in order to transition from merely feeling the Spirit at church and in my life to living by the Spirit. And let's be real: I'm not 100% living by the Spirit. I still have a ways to go to get there. But I am way closer to that reality now than I was before my radical change of heart.

Living by Faith

How does one begin to live by faith?

That's a trick question. Everyone already DOES live by faith! The real question is, where do you put your faith? Is it in God, or in man?

Is it in God, or in yourself?

Is it in God, or in your boss, or in your spouse, or in your business, or in your church leaders?

Is it in God, or in consensus reality?

Abinadi. Image here.
Do you have faith in prayer, or in God? Because sometimes God doesn't answer prayers the way we want. Faith in anything except God is doomed for failure.

But faith in God will always lead to success--if not in this life, than the next. (I always think of Abinadi here. Did he have a great ending on Earth? No, unless getting burned at the stake sounds like your idea of a great way to go. But he accomplished his life mission, walked his divine path, continues to inspire millions of people today and surely has a huge reward in store in heaven. He just goes to show that walking your divine path may not be easy at all--but it is still worth it.)

So how does one live by faith in God?

The first step has to be clearing out the internal obstacles to faith. In my case, I had to start with pride, and then doubt. I had a lot of pride in a lot of things. At the time, I didn't realize that's what it was, but looking back on it, what God was telling me to change was my pride. It just so happened that my pride had led me to a certain type of lifestyle that was not conducive to living by faith. It wasn't a bad lifestyle, necessarily; I was still worthy of the Holy Spirit and felt the Spirit on a daily basis. It was just that I hadn't been allowing that spirit to work in me the way I should have been. When I uprooted my pride and changed my lifestyle to match, a whole new level of revelation, perception, and lifestyle just kind of happened.

After that, the next step was doubt: my biggest life changes came after I told God that from now on, I was going to embrace not just the things that I knew were promptings of the Holy Spirit, but also all things that seemed to occur to me from a non-logical, non-rational place. I told God: "I'm just going to embrace everything that comes into my head, especially if it doesn't make sense--so DON'T LET ME THINK ANYTHING WRONG!!" :o)  As soon as I made that commitment, as soon as both pride and doubt were gone, things were exceptionally different for me.

Feeling Crazy
Here's the thing about walking a divine path:

A lot of times, it feels crazy.

How do you think Abinadi felt when he was told to preach to the men who wanted to kill him?

Noah building the ark. Image here.
How do you think Lehi felt when he was told to leave all his riches and his business and friends behind in Jerusalem and travel in the wilderness?

How did Moses feel while wandering in the desert for 40 years?

How did Noah feel while constructing the Ark?

How did Sarah feel when she was told she'd conceive a son in her old age?

How did Joseph feel while he was interpreting dreams from his prison cell?

I bet that they had moments where they felt a little bit crazy.

How else are you supposed to feel? When you spend decades building an Ark that's supposed to house literally one of every single species on the Earth, because of a flood that no one believes will come?

How are you supposed to feel when your wife and sons think you're crazy for abandoning your wealth in the holy city in favor of wandering the desert in search of a promised land?

How are you supposed to feel when you're way past child-bearing but God makes you the promise of children?

Well, you're supposed to feel peace and faith. But people mock, and don't understand, and so I bet that from time to time, even the prophets and their wives felt weary and wondered at the things they were required to do. I bet they felt the weight of their friends' and neighbors' and family members' judgment. But they kept walking.


Lehi's dream. Image here.
Walking your divine path may not be easy, but it is simple. I highly recommend reading the account of Lehi's dream and Nephi's interpretation of it to more fully understand--but it comes down to listening to and obeying God's word, even and especially when those around start to mock.

God rarely tells us to do things that are easy. His goal for us is growth, and as they say, there is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone! Following God with all of your heart lands you firmly in the growth zone--which can seem uncomfortable at first. But God is in the growth zone and He is there to comfort us if we trust Him.

Trust Him!

Walk your divine path!

I love this rendition of Lehi's dream. Image here.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Reorganize. Consolidate. Purify.

I've been super sick for a week now, and when I got around to asking why, I got a good answer.
Image here.

Reorganize. Consolidate. Purify.

My illness has been something of a surprise, because ever since I turned my will more fully over to God, I really haven't been ill. This is amazing for me because I have seen literal years where I was well for fewer than ten days. The first year of my marriage, I was literally well for one week out of fifty-two. It was just one thing after another. But I feel like in a lot of ways my whole life has been like that.

Since I had my change of heart, I experienced much better health, but the past week has been crazy. But it makes sense in the context of the words I heard while I was spiritually asking why.

Reorganize. Consolidate. Purify.

I feel as though this illness is coming at the perfect time for that sort of thing--we just passed the one year anniversary of my brother's death, and completed his temple work just last week. Astrologically, we passed through some interesting sky times in the past month, between the Three Negative Weeks, Tisha b'Av (the date of my brother's temple work!), and now the supermoon in the month ruled by the sun.
Image here.

It is especially notable to me that the bulk of my illness began on the supermoon, because my particular quest this year, since my brother's death, has been to bring my sun and moon, or masculine and feminine energies, into balance. With that in mind, this type of illness is coming at the perfect time and in the perfect way to help me reorganize, consolidate, and purify. We're purging the remaining physical and energetic gunk that's been shifted around in this past year, so that the soul can be reorganized, new things can be consolidated, and old things can be purified.

Anyway. This is kind of a personal thing but I wonder how many of the physical illnesses and ailments we suffer are for the same reasons. Reorganize. Consolidate. Purify. I wonder how much more we would get out of our illnesses if we had eyes to see them for what they really are. Perhaps not all sicknesses are purification processes, our bodies processing the past and preparing for the future, but perhaps more of them are than we realize.

Something to think about.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

variations on the third eye

While I was in Utah, I had the opportunity to work with a number of people on opening the third eye--the mind's eye, if you will.

Now, close your eyes and focus your attention straight ahead. You may see an eye (open or closed), a triangle, a circle, or maybe all three--an eye in a triangle in a circle. You may see just a triangle or just a circle. You may see an inky dark color--indigo, a paler indigo or violet hue, or maybe a variation of gold, yellow, or orange.

While I was out there, I came across a number of variations on the third eye that I had never seen before. I had to do a ton of research and pondering to understand what was going on. It would have been really nice to have all the information in one place! So, this is a brief explanation of variations on the third eye. It is meant to explain what you may see when you close your eyes and focus ahead of you, into the sixth chakra, which governs spiritual insight (among other things).
Symbol of the sixth chakra.

The Sixth Chakra

The sixth chakra, the Ajna chakra, is the seat of intuition. It's located in the brain, right behind the spot in between your eyebrows. It is linked to the pineal gland. It's the part of you that "sees" when you see something in a dream or a vision, or use your imagination. If you've ever heard what someone is going to say before they say it, your third eye/sixth chakra was involved.

Meanings of the Sixth Chakra Shapes

 This is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather an introduction.

The Eye of Horus, or All-Seeing Eye.
Eye: If you see an eye in your sixth chakra, that refers to psychic ability. If you don't have one, it's not because you CAN'T have one. I have worked with people who had no eye, who develop an eye there after mere minutes of a session with me. Nothing you see in the sixth chakra is permanent.

Open Eye: You are open to receiving and transmitting spiritual information. It may or may not look like the Eye of Horus. Mine just looks like a normal eye, more akin to the one on the dollar bill.

Third Eye on the dollar bill.

Closed Eye:  You are closed to receiving and transmitting spiritual information.

Tightly Closed Eye: On occasion I've seen a third eye that was tightly clenched closed. That appears to refer to an ability to obtain spiritual information, but a conscious desire not to receive or understand this information.

No Eye: Refers to the mind consciously denying the concept of receiving information this way.

Triangle: Refers to masculine energy--logic and reason. Left brain. Also refers to duality and non-duality; the bottom two points of the triangle refer to duality, and the top point of the triangle is the non-duality that subsumes the duality.

Circle: Feminine energy.

Indian woman in indigo and yellow, with a covering over
her third eye.

Colors in the Third Eye

Indigo: Indigo is the Third Eye's natural color, the color of intuition. The darker the color is, the stronger the intuitive powers are.

Light Blue: This may be more accurately stated as light indigo. The paler the hue, the less developed the intuition.

Yellow: Refers to a logical way of looking at things, rather than intuitive. A reliance on the rational left brain to sift through spiritual information, rather than the holistic right brain.

Interpretations of the Third Eye

Okay. So here are some things I saw on my trip, and what I feel they mean. In case you see something similar.
Small light blue triangle.

Small light blue triangle, no eye, no circle. The conscious mind does not accept the concept of the mind's eye as a receptor of information. There is a slightly developed spiritual perceptive ability, but it is small and filtered through logic rather than intuition.

Open eye on a yellow background: The spiritual eye is open, but prefers to understand spiritual information through a logical lens.

Hazard light symbol.

 Large yellow-orange triangle outside a smaller yellow-orange triangle (similar to the hazard light symbol on your car): Spiritual
information is only able to get through if it makes sense logically.

These are just examples. Try the exercise for yourself and see what you see. If you want help opening your third eye, reach out. I work by donation and this is one of my favorite things to do!