
Friday, January 15, 2016

is your psyche split?

I had the privilege recently of working on a client with multiple personalities. After about four hours of work we were able to integrate all 16 personalities. They were easy to identify because they all had different names and ages.

The next day, I had a spark of insight. I've been working on and off on a hard case for several years now. Energy work just seems to do so little for this person. But that next day I had an epiphany:

Image here.
This person's psyche was split. She had 21 different personalities... only  they all had her same name! How would you ever get diagnosed with multiple personality disorder if all your personalities had your same name? Seems like it would be a lot harder.
Since then, I've been adding psyche splits (multiple personalities) to my list of things to check for in clients. It appears to be actually more normal than not to have a split personality--typically the split is small, but often it's not small. This explains so much about those for whom energy work has not stuck.

If you have struggled with ineffective energy work, find a practitioner to look into the possibility of a split psyche that can be healed and put back together again. After that's complete, have them set the intention that all previously done energy work be applied to the reintegrated psyche. See what happens!

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