
Thursday, September 27, 2018

What did you once agree to?

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

mentorship information

I often get asked if I teach my methods. The answer is YES! I do have a pre-recorded online mentorship program. This 10-week program sends training videos directly to your inbox for you to watch on your own time, with me available to help with questions. This is the syllabus for the course.

You get assigned your kundalini yoga kriya for the mentorship. Training videos are included for Muscle Testing, Receiving Intuitive Answers, and Opening the Third Eye. A gift energy work clearing is included for clearing self-sabotage, as well as a business module on HOW to practice.

Week 2 includes my series on empathic abilities. Three videos cover Being an Empath, Thriving as an Empath, and Serving as an Empath. A gift clearing is included for Healing Self-Rejection, a common issue empaths and energy workers face. The business module for this week is on The Anatomy of a Session.

In Week 3, we cover nervous system health and how to enter a theta state. An energy work session for this week focuses on hydration. The business module deals with taxes and legalities. 

This week's class includes a discussion of central nervous system health: diet, environmental factors, etc. We do the Awakening the Ten Bodies Kriya and the Kirtan Kriya. We discuss emotion releasing and addressing subconscious resistances. A gift session clears childhood trauma. The business module covers how to get your first clients.

Lesson 5 goes in depth about releasing emotions and trauma. The gift energy work clears past relationship trauma (this covers general past relationships, not just romantic ones--relationships of all kinds that have ended somehow). The business lesson is on managing your priceless email list.

Week 6 covers hands-on healing techniques, which actually can be used without your hands! A fabulous technique for in-person hands-on work, and for distance work done a little differently. The gift energy work is on uniting the warrior and the poet, and the business lesson is on pricing your services.

This week's lesson delves deeper into hands-on healing, including advanced techniques for working with chakras, meridians, and other energetic organs. The gift energy work is on developing a stronger sense of self-worth. The business lesson is on accepting payment.

Week 8 centers on chakras and includes a chakra clearing and realignment. 

Week 9 addresses archetypes and includes my personal archetype charts. The energy work for this week is on reconnecting the soul from fragmentary damage caused by anger.

The final lesson concludes the series!

This series does contain a lot LDS-specific language and concepts.

For more information about possibly mentoring with me, please email me directly at allie @ allieduzett . com.

Sending you all the good vibes! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

why bodies matter, and a free energy work session

Monday, September 24, 2018

the emotions you've struggled with deeply your whole life

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Monday, September 10, 2018

Heavy metal toxicity and weight loss

One more post today-- yesterday I got a message from a friend who let me know that she was having a conversation with her body about weight loss, and got the distinct answer that one thing holding her back from losing weight was HEAVY METAL TOXICITY.

Heavy metal toxicity is the real deal, and it can be a very real reason why the body resists releasing weight.

Biologically speaking, this can be for a few reasons.

First, the organ responsible for physically breaking down and metabolizing fat is the LIVER.

The liver is also responsible for the metabolism of HORMONES. Your body creates hormones, releases them to help you function, and then the "done" hormones go to the liver to be broken down and excreted out.

So our body's fat is really impacted by the liver because the liver is the one in charge of breaking down fat, and because it is the one in charge of breaking down old hormones. When the liver is congested--say, with heavy metals!--it is unable to perform those functions. This leaves us with excess fat that is literally unable to be broken down by our tired, sluggish, congested livers, AND it leaves us with hormone imbalances, because our old hormones just pile up in the liver when they are unable to be broken down properly.

When we heal the liver, we give our body a fighting chance at naturally losing weight and at healing our hormone imbalances that are triggering inappropriate appetites for food, and inappropriate metabolism of fat.

So heavy metal toxicity can affect the liver adversely, and that is a problem. The liver is actually also in charge of detoxing heavy metals (along with the kidneys and our other elimination organs), so when you have an excess of heavy metals affecting the liver, that's why it affects all our other liver functions as well.

SEPARATELY-- FAT is also a storage zone for heavy metals.

When your FAT CELLS THEMSELVES are full of heavy metals, or other toxicity such as pesticides, herbicides, fluoride, chlorine, etc--it becomes biologically DANGEROUS to lose weight.

Say as a child you got all your vaccines (full of mercury, aluminum, pesticides, formaldehyde), you breathed gas fumes when your parents filled up the car at the gas station, you swam in chlorinated swimming pools, you ate unwashed produce covered in pesticides and herbicides, your lawn was covered in Roundup, you ate microwaved food off plastic dishes, and now you are dealing with excess weight.

How much of that lingering excess weight is due to your own body trying desperately to save you from the poison stored in each of your own fat cells?

If your fat cells are individually storing all these different toxic materials, consider this: losing the weight would propel those poisons back into your bloodstream, allowing them to literally poison your internal organs.

Sometimes, being overweight is our best defense against our own internal toxicity.

In this instance, excess weight is a GIFT. It is the body's present to us to keep us functioning despite immense amounts of toxicity within us that could otherwise be wreaking intense havoc on important organs.

So, to recap:

Heavy metal toxicity can affect our weight because it can overload the liver, and when the liver is congested with junk like this it is unable to perform its other functions of hormone metabolism and fat breakdown.

Heavy metal toxicity can also affect our weight because fat is often the place where toxic materials are stored. When our fat is literally storing toxic waste, releasing that fat can be very dangerous, and our bodies know that.

My friend messaged me to let me know that after she received that message from her body, she had committed to a gentle but serious heavy metal detox through TRS. TRS is a lab-created nano-zeolite spray that safely and gently detoxes heavy metals from the body.

At less than 1 nanometer in size, TRS zeolites can actually pass through the blood brain barrier--and virtually anywhere else in the whole body, to safely and effectively detox toxicity wherever it can be found in the body.

TRS zeolite is called clinoptilolite, and it is shaped like a cage. When it passes positively charged material, like heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, radioactive particles, and pesticides, it sucks them into the tiny cage, where they are encapsulated and cannot redistribute.

This is important because most heavy metal detoxes do allow redistribution. This means that when you start a chelation process, it's possible for heavy metals to get pulled out of one place and then lodged in another place, where they can cause new problems. With TRS, that is not even possible. All toxins it contacts get slurped into the cagelike structure and removed safely through the urinary tract within 6 hours.

It is a tasteless, odorless, waterlike spray that you spritz into your mouth to take. You can also spray it on a beverage before drinking it.

My own family has been on. TRS since April of last year--I guess a whole year now! In that time, my daughter's eczema has cleared, my kids' numerous food allergies have healed, and I'm looking forward to other gains.

If your body tells you that heavy metal toxicity is something affecting you negatively, I do recommend looking into TRS further.

A good Facebook group to join and read more about it is TRS- A Safe Heavy Metals Detox. It's fun to search your particular symptoms and see what comes up in there!

This is a #marketingmonday post. If you are interested in ordering some TRS through me, the link is

The way to get the best price is to order on autoship, then cancel the autoship while you try it. That is what I did when I was trying it--that first bottle I ordered lasted me and my 3 kids for 2 weeks, and during that time my picky eater started asking for vegetables and my girl's eczema disappeared, so I was sold. But I really believe that every person's body is different and each person has their own inner wisdom. Your body knows if a heavy metals detox is important for you.

So if you are dealing with weight loss issues--maybe it will be helpful to you to check and see if heavy metal toxicity is playing a role for you.

Sending love and light today!